This bureaucracy allows you to adumbrate (masquerade) your clandestine IP abode from a accessible network. This means, for example, that in your clandestine arrangement you can accept whatever clandestine IP you appetite which is again in about-face translated to the accessible arrangement IP accustomed to you by your arrangement provider. This tutorial can appropriately be acclimated by audience who appetite to affix to a arrangement after acute a change to the centralized IP acclamation of their LAN.
In the afterward archetype we accept a wireless interface which connects to a accessible wireless arrangement and an Ethernet interface for the bounded clandestine network.
Suppose we accept (Internal Clandestine Network)
Your RouterBoard's Ethernet interface is (fixed Clandestine Arrangement IP)
Your RouterBoard's Wireless agenda is (Public Network)
The Access Point you affix to is (Public Arrangement gateway)

-->First set the two IP addresses of the ethernet and wireless interfaces

  • Second set the static route so that we can access the external Public network

most likely you will want to use as the destination in your primary public route----

-->We start building the NAT as follows

  • First the Destination Network Address Translation setting (DST-NAT)

Only do this if you want to expose this specifice internal pc to all ports, this is the same as a DMZ-----

  • Then the Source Network Address Translation setting (SRC-NAT)
---On the Action Screen you could instead choose masquerade--- 

-->Private to Public Network Address Translation (NAT) is Complete!

Note: Network Address Translation (NAT) requires that connection tracking be enabled.