Re-Install Mikrotik with NetInstall.
NetInstall is a Windows affairs that diggunakan to install, advancement or re-install the operating arrangement in Mikrotik.
For accession application NetInstall that you charge to be able are:
PC with an Ethernet interface and consecutive / COM
Null modem cable.
UTP cable
Router or customized MIKROTIK PC
Programs Neinstall, mikrotik amalgamation that will be installed biased loaded

  1. Konek Routerboard ke PC dengan menggunakan UTP sekaligus kabel null modem.
  2. Persiapkan PC dan jalankan Netinstall.
Tekan Net booting kemudian isikan ip address routerboard yang akan di install.
  1. Persiapkan Hyperteminal untuk koneski via Serial
  2. Buka Hyperteminal koneksi menggunakan COM1 atau COM2 Set Properties seperti di gambar.
Set rourterboard supaya booting via Ethernet.
1. Tampilan dari hyperterminal.
RouterBoard 532A
CPU frequency: 399 MHz
Memory size: 64 MB
Press any key aural 2 abnormal to access setup..
2. Tekan sembarang tombol dalam waktu 2 detik untuk masuk ke bios routerboard
maka akan tertampil seperti dibawah.
What do you appetite to configure?
d – cossack delay
k – cossack key
s – consecutive console
o – cossack device
u – cpu mode
f – try cpu frequency
c – accumulate cpu frequency
r – displace configuration
e – architecture nand
g – advancement firmware
i – lath info
p – cossack protocol
t – do anamnesis testing
x – avenue setup
your choice: x – avenue setup
3. Tekan o untuk , memilih sesi booting.
Select cossack device:
e – cossack over Ethernet
* n – cossack from NAND, if abort again Ethernet
c – cossack from CompactFlash only
1 – cossack Ethernet once, again NAND
2 – cossack Ethernet once, again CompactFlash
o – cossack from NAND only
b – cossack called device
your choice: e – cossack over Ethernet
Tekan e untuk Booting via Ethernet
Kemudian tekan x untuk avenue kemudian booting
Setelah Reboot maka akan tertampil seperti ini:
writing settings to flash… OK
RouterBOOT booter 2.9
RouterBoard 532A
CPU frequency: 399 MHz
Memory size: 64 MB
Press any key aural 2 abnormal to access setup..
trying bootp protocol…. OK
Got IP address:
resolved mac abode 00:E0:29:58:34:5C
transfer started ……………….. alteration ok, time=1.12s
setting up elf i
setting up elf i
Welcome to MikroTik Router Software alien installation
Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to abort
mac-address: 00:0C:42:0F:FF:99
software-id: 94HI-3TT key:
Waiting for accession server…
Persiapkan lagi PC dan Netinstall
Pilih routeros amalgamation yang akan di install kemudian tekan install
Tunggu sampai selesai kemudian reboot
Di hyperterminal
Ubah lagi sesi booting ke NAND kemudian reboot..tunggu hingga booting selesai
Routerboard teleh selesai di install
Nb: Installasi tidak akan mengubah key dari mikrotik. (License tetap ada)
Konfigurasi absent modem. pada anchorage DB9 to DB9
